Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Movies are so complicated these days

Last Sunday, John took the boys on a hike so I went to see the Evil Dead.

I can't wait until the boys get older and I can go to these movies with them.  Of course at that point, they'll be too embarrassed to take their mom to a movie and I'll be like, "But you can drop me off a few blocks away. I'll pretend I don't know you." Until then I have my small community of singles who go to these movies alone.  We all sit in different rows but really we're together.  Of course, they're all dudes who's girlfriends/wives wouldn't go and I'm the only one whose husband wouldn't go to "that foolishness"*.  Is this what they mean when they say, "a man trapped in a woman's body"?

Anyway,  when I got to the theater the ticket machine (LOVE ticket machines! Why are there still people standing in line?? I really don't get it.) had the 12:20 showing in RPX.  Huh.  I know what 3D is and I know what IMAX is but this was new.  But, hey, it was only $1 more so what the hell.  The Evil Dead waits for no acronym.

So I walk to the new theater with fancy blue neon lights around the doorway.  Is that the RPX?  Inside were brand spankin' new seats.  RPX?  and that wonderful new car smell.  Maybe this was smell-o-vision.  But, no, apparently RPX stands for really fucking loud.  It should be RFL.  Just to be very clear here, it was LOUD.  I'm sure there were other neat audio features but this is the girl who honestly couldn't tell the difference between cassettes and CDs.  (Don't even get me started on high def because It Looks Exactly the Same, John.)  Should have put the extra $1 towards a tub of popcorn....

*Other Foolishness according to John:  Bates Motel, Stuffed Face Hugger Aliens, and spending $50 on 10" Flash and Hawk Girl action figures at the Toy Expo even though Flash is really hard to find.  And I quote, "Who the fuck is hawk girl?"

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