Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Kids on Drugs

So my kids don't pull out their loose teeth.  They leave them in until they get all jammed up and then I have to take them to the dentist so I can pay $100 to have them removed.  It's fun.

Especially when they get nitrous.  Sam had two teeth popped-out this morning and he actually came hopping into the waiting room.

Sam, <hop> <hop> <hop>, "Hey, Moooom!"
"I got nauze!"

Me, "it's gauze"

Sam,  "yeah, NAAUUZE!"
"And I can't do P.E." 
Then he plants both feet squarely on the ground and throws his arms in the air. "YESSS!!"
"Oh, waaaiittt, I like P.E."
"And I need a note"
<worry sets in>
"Oh, maaaan, I don't have a note"

Me, "Why don't you just show Coach K your bloody nauze?"

<pause> <pause> <pause>

Sam, "I knoooow, I'll just show him my bloody nauze!"

That's my boy.