Monday, April 29, 2013

But all I did was bend at the waist

So I pulled my back out yesterday.  It was Sunday so John was home, and the boys were home, and my brother and sister-in-law were visiting so there were lots of people around to help out. "Here, let me help...."  "Noooooo, don't touch meeee!" "Well, maybe you could get my sunglasses since I can't get off the floor and the sun is in my eyes. And I plan on laying here forever."

John and I used to throw our backs out all the time when the boys were little and we were constantly bending over to lift car seats.  We eventually bought a minivan.  Yes, it got that bad.  On a side note, you will never have more bargaining power then when you're buying a car you really don't want.  Us,"Well, fuck that."  Dealer, "Wait, come baaaack!" And say what you will about minivans but all cars should have sliding doors.

Anyway, neither of us have had back problems in years so the only drugs John could scrounge up were 3 pain pills from 2009.  And say what you will about the placebo effect but those damn things worked! Well, sort of.  My primary form of pain management was a bottle of chardonnay; on a slow drip to deliver a steady stream of loveliness.

So they eventually set me up in the bedroom, in a reclining lawn chair with my heating pad; had my book, ipad, remote control, etc. all lined up on the bed within easy reach, and a small drinks table.  It was my conn.  I was like Captain Kirk, only wrapped in a quilt.

This morning John was getting the conn set up again but I couldn't stop thinking about what a mess the bed was.  It really needed to be made but I knew it probably wasn't the best time to be getting all OCD but how was I going to line up my stuff?  And I was trying to figure out how to mention this to John, who was frantically trying to get into work to rearrange things so he could come back to take me to the doctor.  Finally I took a deep breath and said, "Ok, I have a request but I know it's not going to go over well"  John, "I AM NOT GETTING YOU WINE!"  Well, I hadn't even though of that......

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