Thursday, October 5, 2017

So this happened.....

The first email I've sent to the boys' high school principle:

From: John and Jennifer Moore 
Subject: cafeteria
Date: October 4, 2017 at 5:49 PM
To: xxxxxxxxxxxx
So this is the strangest email I’ve sent in a while....FYI, someone in the cafeteria is putting the pepperonis on the pizzas in the shape of a penis. There. I said it.

Now my kids and husband find this hilarious and frankly so do I but you may have other parents who will react differently.

Best of luck dealing with this, and, boy, do you have an awesome job!
Jennifer Moore 

Since this was, as I wrote, the first email I've sent to her, I was pleased to discover that she has a fantastic sense of humor.  I'm not posting her response but here is my follow-up:

From: John and Jennifer Moore 
Subjectmoore@: Re: cafeteria
Date: October 5, 2017 at 9:42 AM
To: xxxxxxxxxxxx
My husband has begun referring to it as Cockeroni Pizza. As in, “I can’t believe you narc’d out the cockeroni pizza kid.” I can not express how funny they think that is.

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