Friday, May 23, 2014

Not Your Typical Email to School

I had to send this to Sam's teacher this morning:

Ms. Johnson,

So here's the thing, I was "helping" Sam with his homework.  He needed to email his song to you and he wasn't sure how to attach the file.  His file was on the desktop and when I tried to import it, I was said that if I was using a Mac, I needed to add an extension.  Well, I didn't know what that meant so I found a link on-line and imported that one.  On the ride to school this morning Sam was very concerned about the link.

Sam, "What if it's inappropriate?" 
Me, "Didn't you watch it? Why would you use a link that you didn't watch first?"
Sam, "I watched mine but you sent a different link."
Me, "I did?"
Sam, "Yes!"

So now I'm in the car thinking, "Oh crap, did I send p**n to Ms. Johnson?"  Which, honestly, is the worst thought I could be having because actually sending p**n to someone isn't half as bad as not knowing if you sent p**n to someone. You know what I mean?

So I told him, "Well, tell her I did it and I'm old enough to be her mother and can her mother do this?"
At which point Tom piped up, "MOM, you're not old enough to be her mother!"
Me, "Yes, I am and it wouldn't have even been a scandal...."
Sam, "MOM!"

He was really freaking out at that point so I asked him if he wanted me to send an email to you and he said "yes".  This is that email.  It's probably not even necessary because, let's face it, the odds of the link working are pretty slim.

So that was my morning, how was yours?
Jennifer Moore
ps.  It wouldn't let me spell out p-o-r-n so I had to use stars.  I'm sure you figured that out. Just wanted to let you know I'm not one of those silly moms who says, "fudge" and "sugar".  I really don't get those people.

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