Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My dog is taking advantage of me

We have our little morning routine.  My alarm goes off, she comes over for an ear scratch. I get out of bed, she rolls over on the rug and won't get up until I rub her belly.  Then I let her out.  Sometimes this is the best part of my day.  My husband can't figure out why I do this.  When he lets her out in the morning, she walks to the door and he lets her out, "See, that's how you do it.  Not with all the stupid belly rubbing".   "Yeah, well, that's because she knows you're a jackass", but I don't say that out loud. Needless to say, if he's the first one out of bed, she doesn't even get out of her kennel.  She waits for the second showing.

But lately she's been wanting a second belly rub.  One in her usually spot at the end of the bed and then another over by the door.  And sometimes she'll drag herself commando across the rug to the second spot.  (You know, how they crawl with their front legs but drag their back legs behind them? Like she's  trying to get to the next trench without getting her ass shot off.  It's so fucking cute!) But enough is enough. I do have other things to do....

Me: Abbey, go potty!
Abbey <rub my tummy>
Me: No, I already rubbed your tummy, now go potty!
Abbey <rub it again>
Me: Abbey, go outside!
Abbey: <rub it again, rub it again, rub it again>
and she's squirming around on her back, wagging her tail
 <rub it again, rub it again, rub it again>
Me: God damn it, Abbey, just get outside and go potty!
Abbey:  <you know you want to>
Me: Abbey!
Abbey: <rub it>
John: Would you shut up!

Jeez, good morning to you too.

1 comment:

  1. what was that conversation we had yesterday about dogs and putting up with them? Yea Abbey has trained you well.
