Friday, October 4, 2013

If you'd have just gone with the cake walk.....

So I ran by Target this morning on my way home from the gym.  I stopped by to pick up a few random things and the lady in line behind me had a bunch of Halloween-ish books; Frankenstein, Dr. Jykle and Mr. Hyde, that sort of thing. And I said to her, "Oh, those are cool." and she said, "Yeah, and they're only $1."  To which I responded, "Those would be great for the school's book-walk."  Of course I was halfway through my transaction so I'd have to finish up with this purchase, take these things in the car and come back in.  But it's for the school so fine.

I should back track...I was talking to my friend Tina yesterday and she was telling me how they were going to be dropping the Cake Walk from BooFest this year because of lack of time and maybe they'd have a Book Walk instead.  I was all "WHAT?!" cause I started the cake walk and I love it.  Then she said that she hates cake walks and would never eat a cake someone else baked because you never know if they washed their hands or picked their nose.  And I'm all, "but it's cake!" but I'm not at the school anymore so whatever.

Back at the car...I throw my bag in the car and grab my phone so I can text Tina. But I don't get around to that and just I tuck my phone into the waistband of my workout pants along with my key fob.  I tuck my key fob in my waistband all the time and it works fine and I'm left just carrying my wallet so life is good.  But apparently the added bulk of my phone had allowed enough wiggle room for my key fob to start sliding down my leg.  Great.  Now I'm walking through Target with my keys down my pants.  And as I'm wondering how to get them out, my phone starts sliding down after them.  Fuck. This is my second trip to Target in 4 minutes;  I just want to grab the books and go home so I just keep walking.  By now the keys have worked their way to my ankle and have dropped to the floor.  Woohoo.  I pick them up and keep going.  And I'm thinking "well shit, the phone is hung up on my knee so there's no way it's making it's way to the floor..."  when it starts ringing.  So here's me,  standing in the checkout line,  pants ringing,  pretending this kind of thing happens all the time.  "That's okay, they'll leave a message."

So if you parked at Target this morning, next to a lady who was sitting in her car, digging elbow-deep in her pants....that was me.

And Tina, I'm baking you a cake.

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