Wednesday, October 9, 2013


So I've got this awesome carpool this year.  My friend, Tina, takes the kids in the morning and I picked them up.  Oh, I know, it's fancy but it's my first year to carpool so it's all very exciting for me.  One day last week, Tina had an appointment in the morning so I was doing the morning shift.  I had the boys loaded up in the car and was on the phone with TIna talking about silly PTA stuff and I ducked back into the house to pee.  At some point during the conversation she said, "Alex doesn't have his shoes on for some reason but he'll put them on in the car."  And I thought, "Okay, they're on their way over." So I walked back out of the house, past my car and was wandering around the driveway still talking on the phone.  Eventually one of the boys climbed out of the car and said, "Mom, we're going to be late!!" I yelled back, "We're waiting for Alex!!"  He said, "Alex is in the car!"  And I said, get this, "No, he's not."  So the kid is looking at me like I'm nuts because he's been in the car for the last 10 minutes talking to Alex so he's pretty darn sure the kid is in the car.  Not to mention than I walked right past him when I came out of the house and how does one fail to notice an entire additional human being in one's vehicle??

Me: "Shit shit shit shit shit"
Tina: "What?"
Me: "I didn't know Alex was in the car"
Tina: "What!?!?!"
Me: "Gotta go."
Boys: "We're gonna be laaaaaatttteeeee."
Me:  "No, we're not.  I drive fast.  Alex don't tell your mom how fast I drive."
Alex: "Woohoo!!!"

So this morning Tina had another meeting and I'm doing the morning shift.
Me: "Miss Tina has a meeting so I'm dropping you guys at school."
Sam: "Oh god, Mom, don't mess it up!"

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