Monday, May 6, 2013

Wii fit is kicking my ass

Still laid up with back trouble.  Here's an old one I found from the first time I was going to start a blog but didn't.

I started wii fit at my mom's house, where I had four kids under the age of 11 "helping me".

"lean to the left, no the right, no the left"
"punch, no step punch, step punch, PUNCH"
"it's over on the right, it's over on the right, IT'S OVER ON THE RIGHT"
"Wow, Aunt Jenny, it says your 59 years old!!"
"Hey, Uncle John, Aunt Jenny's been on the island cycling for 42 minutes and still can't find the last two flags!  Wanna watch"
John, "Pfft.  yeah, right."

When we got back home, I only had the boys to help me.  It wasn't going much better.
(When you read my responses, remember to include my huffing and puffing)

During the boxing:
Sam, "Can I try?
Me, "When I'm done"

Tom, "Can I try?
Me, "When I'm done"
Sam, "Can I try?
Me, "When I'm done"
Tom, "Can I try?

During the aerobics:
Tom, "Mom, it's the left foot"
Me, "No, it's not"
Tom, "Mom, it's the left foot"
Me, "No, it's not"
Tom, "Mom, it's the left foot"
Me, "No, it's NOT"
Tom, "oh, you're right, it's the right"

And my wii fit nemesis, Island Cycling:
10 minutes in,
Sam, "oh, go across the bridge"
Me, "there's nothing over there"
Sam, "but it'll be fun"
Me, "no, it won't"
Sam, "it could be fun"
Me, "SAM"

20 minutes in,
Sam, "It's over on the right"
Me, "No, it's at a different elevation"
Sam, "It's over on the right" 
Me, "NO, it's at a different elevation"
Sam, "It's over on the right" 
Me, "Sam, it's at a different elevation"
Sam, "What's an elevation?
Me, "SAM"

30 minutes in,
Tom, "Hey, look a dog"
Tom, "look, it's following you!"
Tom,  "No, don't go that way, you'll lose the dog!"
Tom, "Where's the dog?
<fucking dog>

And I now know why the wii remote has a wrist strap.  It's so you don't throw it at the fucking yoga lady.
Me, "Stop telling me the benefits of yoga, I get it."
Me, "Can we just do this?"
Me, "Stop talking!!"

Yoga lady, "now touch your toes and look at your stomach"
Me, "if I do that, I can't see the little blue circle"
Yoga lady, "relax your shoulders"
Me, "I can't see the blue circle"
Yoga lady, "remember to breathe"
Me, "I'm going to get off balance"
Yoga lady, "You're balance is off"
Me, "Fuck you, I'm 59" 
Tom, "Do the downward farting dog. Maybe the dog will come back"

And they wonder why people don't exercise more.....

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