Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Mother of the Year - once again

The boys have been enrolled in a couple of different camps this summer.  This week it was badminton along with a two day babysitting class.  My friend, Suzanne, has a 9 year old boy, and she asked if my boys would be interested in babysitting.  Sam was all for it.  Tom agreed grudgingly.  They've only done it once and both loved it, mainly because they got paid to eat pizza and play video games.  With one good experience under their belts, John found a babysitting class that we thought might do them some good as they began looking for other opportunities.

The first class was this afternoon.  Tom doesn't like to do anything so his less-than-enthusiatic attitude was no surprise.  Sam has always been keen for whatever we sign him up for so I was surprised that he was so nervous when I dropped them off.

Sam, "I'm really regretting my decision to do this."
Me, "Why?"
Sam, "Uhhhh, I'm just not sure of it anymore."
Me, "Why?"
Sam, "Uhhh, nothing."
Then he climbed out of the car and walked a few steps away, turned around and climbed back into the car."
Me, "What?"
Sam, "I just really don't want to do this."
Me, "Why?"
Sam, "It's going to be all girls."
Me, "Is that a bad thing?"
Sam, "Well, there won't be any boys."
Me, "There will be at least two. So go on."
Sam, "uuuhhhh"
Me, "What are you worried about?"
Sam, "Sexism"
Me, <well, wasn't expecting that> "Huh?"
Sam, "It'll be a bunch of girls and just us and they'll be making sexist boy jokes."
And here's where I become a shoe-in for mother-of-the-year.
Me, "Suck it up, white boy."

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