Friday, December 23, 2016

Holiday To-Do List

Let's see, how are we looking so far.....

  • Trim the tree and house.  That's done. Although half the decorations are still boxed up in the garage and there is a constant layer of clutter on the counters and tabletops...but that's okay because...I was really going for look this year.  Yup, definitely minimalistic and quite organic.  Check.
  • Gifts. Gifts, gifts, gifts.....I'm 87% confident that all the gift buying has been accomplished. It's a strong 87; maybe 88. If you happen to fall into that other 12-13% then clearly we share a love so pure that it cannot be encapsulated in a crude gift box and you're welcome for that. Check
  • Christmas dinner. far we have broccoli and a head of cauliflower....well...that should be delicious.,,,Perhaps we can find some sort of meat product at the grocery store....have to look into
  • Dessert. I told the guys that I'd make a cake so I definitely need to get going on that...oh, but I didn't plan a Christmas Eve dessert and they've pretty much eaten through the earlier holiday baking but I'm already making a cake and we certainly can't finish an entire cake in one sitting so we'll have the cake for both Christmas Eve and Christmas day....nicely done there...of course that means I'll have to make it earlier...where's that recipe...step one: chop and toast pecans...well that's not store should have pre chopped pecans, wonder if they have pre-toasted as well...have to check on
  • Party Dress. Well I've nailed this one because I found two party dresses and according to my To-Do List, I needed zero party dresses, that puts me 200% above expectations. Exceptional work done there but let's not rest on our laurels just yet....
  • Man in the High Castle Season 2.  I started re-watching season 1 of Man in the High Castle to brush up on the major plot points so we can start watching season 2...we seem to be on track for was down on the list somewhere....huh, it's not on the list....that's odd.....I'll just add it to the bottom so I can check it off....there. Check
  • What else do we have on the calendar.  Dec 23, 2:30 pm, I seem to have scheduled some dental work for Tom.  That was thoughtful of me....he can have a tooth drilled before we go see Beauty and the Beast....just lovely....maybe I can get John in for a quick prostrate exam as know, I worry about your health because I love you....again, you're welcome.
  • Christmas Eve Party at Chris's house...said I'd make something for that....let's see....I'll make a couple bottles of alcohol.. big Check there.....
  • And look what else I found time to hide in John's underwear drawer.
 Just tell me those medals don't look like sparkly, sparkly scales.
It may be christmas but we must not forget the whimsy of the season

And that seems to be it. Well, done all around, I think.  Well done, indeed.

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