Tuesday, February 24, 2015

You're really not helping...

Me, "Wow, look at the size of this bug bite on my shoulder!"
Sam, "Where? Let me see."
Me, "I think it's a spider bite. I was re-shelving books back in the nonfiction section. Some of those books haven't been touched in years."
Sam, "I think it's from a botfly."
Me, "I've found spiders before."
Sam, "It's a botfly"
Tom, "It's not a botfly!"
Me, "What's a botfly?"
Sam, "A botfly. They lay their eggs inside you." <he starts feeling around the bite> "See how it's hard underneath? That will start moving around as the larva grows."
Tom, "Botflies are native to Africa.  It's not a botfly."
Sam, "Well, Ebola is native to Africa and it's in the U.S."
Tom, "That's true.......Don't worry, Mom. They don't harm the host. Except for the hole the larva leaves when it chews its way out."

As they were arguing about botfly behavior, I walked out of the room.
They didn't even notice.

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