Saturday, October 18, 2014

Movie Madness

So I went to see Annabelle today on the spur of the moment.  One line movie review:  Scared the pants off me.  Really.  I had to plug my ears a few times.  Cause it's the soundtrack that gets you.  Movies aren't near as scary without the music.  Am I right?

So it was a good movie but here's my issue.  (spoilers)  The main character is a doll collector and has been looking for this doll for years to complete her set and the husband finds it and gives it to her as a present and when they move into their new apartment she puts it on a shelf with some other random dolls.  Not. With The Rest. Of. The. Set. DOES THAT??  She's been looking to complete her set for years and she just throws them on different shelves around the room?  Talk about asking for trouble.  She's lucky I didn't come bursting into the apartment and move the doll.  Good lord...

And here's another thing, why is it that these possession/demonic movies always involve Catholics, or Atheists?  It's never a Lutheran.  You  never see a Methodist bursting into the middle of the potluck demanding to see Pastor Don. Right. Now.  I guess the demons don't want to stick around to play cards later.  Or maybe they're just not into casseroles.  Or maybe the demons just don't get the reaction they're looking for from those Presbyterians.  Head starts spinning around...everyone is quietly minding their own business...."Honey, don't stare.  It's rude."   Now that's a movie I want to see.

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