Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Back to School

So the boys started school on Monday and I spent the day doing nooooothinggggggg.  Not everyone has the stamina for that but whenever I felt the need to get up, I just dug my heels in....well, snuggled my tush deeper into the couch cushions and reached for the remote.  It's all about concentration, really, and never forgetting that you're doing this for all the people who can't do it for themselves.  So with remote in hand and NetFlix streaming,  I got through most of the first season of a BBC crime drama that I'd never even heard of.  It was a beautiful thing.

On Tuesday, I dropped the boys off and heading back home for chapter two of my Slacker marathon. I queued up the final episodes and knocked off season one.  By late morning,  I really needed to get out of the house.  My feet were falling asleep from my reclined position.  So I loaded up the dogs and drove to the park.  I pulled into a lovely spot in the shade and parked the car.  Then I realized that the dogs' leashes weren't in the car.

The leashes are typically kept in my car because Abbey and Alice are my little shop-girls and they run errands with me.  Until recently,  now Abbey tends to stay home and catch up on her nap time while Alice is out of the house.  I keep the leashes in my car in case I decide to take the dogs into the hardware store with me.  Hardware stores really need dogs, don't you think?  They call out for them.  Like bookstores.  Anyway, there I was at the park; two dogs and zero leashes.

So what were my options?  I could drive back to the house and get the leashes but the couch is in the house so that could be a problem.  Or I could take the dogs into the park without leashes but it was a park-park not a dog-park so it wasn't fenced.  That wouldn't have been a problem if I only had Abbey with me because Abbey's a good dog and stays by me and comes when she's called.  Alice isn't and doesn't.  I guess I could have carried Alice but damn if I was going to be that lady carrying her dog through the park.  And as I was sitting there weighing my options, I fell asleep.  In the parking lot.  Like a hobo.  A hobo with a car.  The dogs and I slept in the parking lot of the park for a good 30 minutes.  Well, I assume the dogs were sleeping too.  They could have sat there, guarding me but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say they fell asleep too.  Then we woke up and drove home. Another successful day.

So believe it when you hear that starting a new school year is exhausting for the whole family.  I'm living proof.

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