Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Close Encounter

So I was at the gym this morning and I swear Graham McTavish was there too.  In case you're unaware Graham McTavish was in Outlander, as well as many other things on both the big and small screen.  He also has the most beautiful beard in the history of facial hair.  So I'm looking at this guy and thinking, "Hey, that looks exactly like Graham McTavish." and I remember that we got a flyer about the Scottish Games which are this weekend and he's scheduled to be there so this could totally be him.
At this point I start to hear John in my head. <No, that is totally not him.>
He walks over to the day lockers and begins putting some things inside one. Now he's closer to me so I have a better look. He doesn't look as big as he was in Outlander but everything looks bigger on T.V. so that stands to reason.
<nope. there is no reason in any of this.>
 Oh, hush.
Meanwhile he's gone upstairs and is stretching.  I'm wondering how tall he is so I walk over to the day lockers to see how tall I am standing next to them.  Well, he's at least 6 inches taller than me so this is really starting to go in my favor.
<nothing is in your favor>
I finish up my workout and wander over to some chairs that have a good view of Graham, because I'm now convinced it is Graham, and watch him work out for a while.  Maybe someone will come join him and maybe it'll be someone else from Outlander. This could totally happen.
<no, no it can't>
By now I figured I've spent enough time casually <snort> staring at him, so I turn and leave.  First thing when I get to my car, I look up the Scottish Games and find out that they are being held......in four months. Not this weekend. Labor day weekend. Huh, I guess it wasn't him.
<I told y>
Don't start. He looked just like him.  And he had that beautiful beard.
Now some poor guy is going to get home tonight and have to double check all doors and windows before going to bed because some crazy lady at the gym was staring and acting sketchy.

It's just like the time I saw Anna Kendrick at Tahoe.
<that was not Anna Kendrick>
Yes, it was! Jeez, you're such a buzz kill.

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