Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Trump Logic

When good Logic goes Bad

How to Fool People into believing a Lie without Lying

The percent of Muslims in Slovenia is 62% higher than the percent of Muslims in the U.S.  That's a lot. It's higher. Much higher. It's their second highest religion.  All I'm saying is that Melania Trump was born in Slovenia. She didn't become a permanent resident of the U.S. until 2001. A lot of people are staying it. A lot of people.  How could someone spend 31 years in a country with a percent of Muslims that is 62% higher than the percentage of Muslims in the U.S. Is she a Muslim? I don't know. I don't know. I'm not saying she is but why isn't this being looked into?  I don't know. Why won't she move into the White House? Does she have a secret? Is she hiding something? People are wondering if she's hiding something. I've heard a lot of people wonder about this. Would you feel safe if the  president was married to a Muslim? The American people deserve to know. I just don't know why this isn't being looked into?

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