Monday, August 15, 2016

So Many Things Didn't Make Sense This Morning

1. My knee hurts from walking around Great America wearing Flip-flops, and I'm not surprised.
2. I've started judging amusement parks based on their cleanliness and I will comment on it out loud.
3. Because, really, how could a bathroom be that filthy when the park had only been open for an hour?
3. I know the lyrics to all the songs that are playing at the grocery store. When did that happen?
4. David Bowie died. How can there be no David Bowie?
5. Why do I have wrinkles and a zit? Someone is fucking with the space/time continuum and it isn't me.
7. My vet thinks that my dogs need flu shots? So that's a thing now?
8. I have to get out of bed and take the boys to High School because the boys are in High School.

First day of Preschool:

First day of High School:
Me, "Ready??"
Sam, "uuummpphh"
Me, "Tom??"
Me, "Hello??"

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