Friday, February 26, 2016

Making a Murderer

John and I binge-watched this show and I am 99% certain that I can pass the bar in the State of Wisconsin.  How is it, with 20 seasons, none of these morons have watched an episode of Law and Order?  There were a couple of years where TBS was rerunning them non-stop.  If you are a citizen of Wisconsin, I hope you have several binge-worthy cable shows in the pipeline featuring your highly intelligent or even your moderately intelligent citizenry being honest, respectable, tax-paying members of society.  Otherwise the rest of us are going to let the zombies/aliens/4th Reich run all over you because your gene pool isn't worth the price of saving it.  I know the people in this show are not the normal because all of my people are from these fly-over states and they're not a bunch of fucking morons.....well, a couple are but who can't say the same? really?

So the show was highly entertaining, except the parts where they ran rough-shot over the kid with learning disabilities.  Those parts made me sick to my stomach and I used one of those moments to stomp down the hall for a Teaching Moment with the boys. You probably haven't had this talk with your kid so pay attention.

Me, <stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp> "Hey, both of you! Hallway!"
Boys, <open their doors and walk out> "What?!?"
Me, "IF you ever get arrested.."
Tom, "Mom.."
Me, "Uh uh uh. If you ever get arrested, all you say is 'I want a lawyer' then you shut the hell up."
Tom, "We're not....."
Me, "Uhuhuhuhuhuhuhh 'I want a lawyer' then shut up."
Tom, "Nothin..."
Me, "See how you're still talking? All you're going to do is talk yourself into a prison cell and your very HBO docu-series.  'I want a lawyer' then shut up."
Tom, "B...
Me, "UH 'I want a lawyer' then shut up."
Me, "Good. Now what do you do if you ever get arrested?"
Boys, <monotone, robot voice> "I want a lawyer then shut up."
Me, "RIGHT!  Again."
Boys, <monotone, robot voice and small amount of eye rolling> "I want a lawyer then shut up."
Me, 'Excellent! One More Time!"
Boys, <monotone, robot voice, faces to the ceiling> "I want a lawyer then shut up."
Me, "great. now go to bed."

This has been a Public Service Announcement <bing bing bing> The More You Know
You're Welcome.

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