Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Truth is Out There; It's just too Boring to Remember

Driving home from school:

Tom, "Did you know the CDC has a Zombie Protocol?"
Me, <snort> "No, it doesn't."
Tom, "Yes, it does.  Ms. Science Teacher told us."
Me, "No, she didn't" <I've got your back Ms. Science Teacher.>
Tom, " Yeah, they have this whole system in place."
Me, "Did she say that the CDC has a protocol in place to handle a mass pandemic?"
Tom, "Yeah! Like a zombie virus!"
Me, "But really just to keep everyone from dying, not to deal with people who die and come back."
Tom, "Yeah! And there are all these sleeper cells, that no one knows about."
Me, "You mean, people to handle the pandemic?"
Tom, "Yeah! These regular people who do normal jobs but are secretly training to take over."
Me, "Orrrr, medical and law enforcement professionals that have been trained to handle the sick and keep the looting to a minimum?"
Tom, "Yeah, but nobody know who they are and they'll just show up and take over everything."
Me, "Because martial law would be declared so they would be in charge until things get back to normal?"
Tom, "Yeah, it's so cool!"
Me, "I guess so."

I guess I shouldn't be too upset, he did learn the meaning of 'protocol'.

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