Thursday, March 26, 2015

So I pulled a muscle in my back

Not sure how. Everything seemed fine and then suddenly everything wasn't so fine.  I remember breathing, and sitting, and drinking a diet coke.  Headline: Woman injures back in freak sitting-breathing-diet coke related accident. Could you be next?"

John and I used to pull out our backs all the time when the boys were little.  All the low back strain from lifting and carrying babies in buckets.  This was new.  It was localized around my right shoulder blade.  It helped to reach over with my left hand and press down on the spot but that was causing my bra to ride up and creating additional underwire problems which couldn't be solved while sitting in the school parking lot.  Not without involving the police. And we mostly didn't want to involve the police. Only a small part of me wanted to involve the police. The part that thought he might drive us all home.

Once we got home, the boys kicked into Survival Mode.  Bless their little hearts.  They got their homework done, took care of the dogs, made dinner, kept the fighting down to a minimum. Even got an ice pack for me. Unfortunately, they also kept trying to hug me.  Yes, I love you too. Now please stop.

The only comfortable position I could find was laying flat on my back on the bed.  Which actually worked out well because I'd be contemplating repainting the bedroom ceiling with a reproduction of the Sistine Chapel and now I had an opportunity to plan the project down to the smallest detail.  Sigh.    And, boy, is there a lot of bad t.v. out there.  Cruel Intentions 3? Deepak Chopra: The Future of God?  Whatever happened to that channel that showed Law and Order reruns all day? Double Sigh. After a few hours, I realized that the ice pack had been leaking and there was a huge water spot under me.  Great, now I've wet the bed.

I found some questionably acquired pain pills in the bathroom.  To think, I made it all the way through college without taking unmarked pills found in a plastic baggie. Yet here I am.  It would have less dangerous back then. What's the worst that could have happened?  A revoked drivers license?  An unplanned pregnancy? Oh, please.  Look at me now.  I'm laying here with severely decreased inhibitions and access to  This could end in disaster......

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