Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Alice ran away again....

I'm starting to get used to it.  I didn't even get off the couch this time.

The boys were unloading groceries from the car and left the front door open.  In their defense, if Alice hadn't broken the garage door, the car would have been parked in the garage instead of the driveway and boys wouldn't be using the front door so really this is her fault.

After about 10 minutes, John noticed that the door was opened.  Abbey was laying on the floor in the sun room, sound asleep, because she's a good girl.  Oh, yes, she is. Yessheis!  Alice was nowhere to be found.

John hollered at the boys to get their shoes on and go find the dog.  Who, by the way, doesn't have any tags on her collar because she went into the backyard one day in December and came back inside without a collar.  "Where's your collar?" "What happened to your collar?"  "How did you even get it off?"  nothing.  Dog completely ignored me.  (But she did get a brand new collar; maybe I should try this tactic with my car...hmmm...) In February, the collar turned up, missing the tags. It laid on the back step for something like two weeks because I'm not playing these games, dog!

Before I got up off the couch, the boys returned, carrying the dog.  Wow, that didn't take long.
Tom, "She was coming up the driveway."
Me & John, "She came back!"

Later that night,
Me, "You know, I think she came back because she knows this is her home and she's safe here and this is where she belongs."
John, "She was probably hungry."
Me, "Well, that works too."

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