Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Humor as a Defense Mechanism

So the biggest drawback from joining my Old Ladies Group is that a lot of the ladies are old, and on occasion, die.  We had a couple of bad weeks last month so John took the club's boilerplate and sent me this:

Jennifer Moore 
Jennifer passed way at the last old lady board meeting due  to chronic boredom coupled with Itsafuckingmicrophone-itis. 
A  memorial service will be held this Friday, October 7th (time to be decided soon)
at Hopyard Pub (1st 50 mourners get free nachos),
As soon as a time and more details are available I will get confused by email and mistakenly not send them out.

We will  be doing some sort of Preachy Bullshit Ceremony during the pub crawl
Please contact Lucifer (666) 666-6666 if you are available to participate.

Please keep her family in your prayers,
cards welcome and a service announcement will follow.

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